O little Jesus, I earnestly beg You, enclose them all in the sea of Your unfathomable mercy, O sweet little Jesus, You have my heart, may it be a pleasant and comfortable dwelling-place for You. (Diary, 845) Dear Apostles of…

O little Jesus, I earnestly beg You, enclose them all in the sea of Your unfathomable mercy, O sweet little Jesus, You have my heart, may it be a pleasant and comfortable dwelling-place for You. (Diary, 845) Dear Apostles of…
Dear Apostoles of Divine Mercy! As we continue in thanksgiving for the 92th Anniversary of the first apparition of Merciful Jesus and, at the same time, we continue the Great Novena before the 100th Anniversary of the Revelations in Plock,…
For several days now, the Association “Faustinum” has had its own profile on Facebook. We will post the latest news, announcements, photos and formation materials there. Keep up to date. Like us on Faustinum.We also encourage you to comment and…
On 27 August 2023 at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Kraków-Łagiewniki, new member was officially accepted to the “Faustinum” Association. The ceremony took place during the Holy Mass celebrated by Rev. Canon Jason Jones. See photo gallery.
On 25 May 2023 at the Executive Board meeting, 8 new members were admitted to the Association of Apostles of Divine Mercy “Faustinum”: 2 from Poland, 3 from Slovakia, 2 from Italy, 1 from the USA. We are pleased to welcome…