“Paint God’s Image…”

Today, the 22 of February 2023, is exactly 92 years since the revelation of the Image of Merciful Jesus, that took place in Płock. The Shrine of the Divine Mercy is built on the site of this encounter between St. Faustina and Jesus.

St. Faustina wrote the following words in her Diary when she saw the Lord Jesus: ‘’I fixed my gaze on the Lord in silence, my soul was overawed but also full of joy”. (Diary. 47). Today when we gaze at this painting, we are filled with great joy but also fear just like St Faustina.  Whatever feelings arise in us, may they bring us closer to Jesus, Who is always full of Mercy.

When St. Faustina told her confessor about this event, he replied to her: “Paint the image of God in your own soul” (Diary. 49). Let us take it as an encouragement for us to paint a picture of the Merciful Jesus in our souls. Let us ask the Lord that our gaze may be like His from the cross. And like Him, we may reach out to others. May the Merciful Jesus make our hearts ready, to receive the love and mercy to whomever God places in our path. 

Let us hear the words of Jesus:
“Make Me a picture (…),
with the inscription
Jesus, I trust in You’’
 (Diary. 47).

Let us experience these words in our hearts.
Let us create this image in our souls
and live in the likeness of Christ,
trusting in God and His Divine Mercy.

Today, we thank God for this beautiful encounter with St Faustina which brought forth this Miraculous Image of Merciful Jesus.

Jesus We Trust In You!