At the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Kraków-Łagiewniki, a Faustinum ceremony was held during the 5 p.m. Mass on April 28, 2022 during which Rev. Canon Jason Jones from Wales was accepted into the Faustinum roster of members. See photo…

Official website of the Association of the Apostles of Divine Mercy "Faustinum"
At the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Kraków-Łagiewniki, a Faustinum ceremony was held during the 5 p.m. Mass on April 28, 2022 during which Rev. Canon Jason Jones from Wales was accepted into the Faustinum roster of members. See photo…
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We are going through this year’s Paschal Feast in the face of painful events happening in the world that affect each of us to some degree. This is our Pasch. But one thing we can be sure of: the Pasch,…
I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fount of My mercy, that they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever graces they need in the hardships of life and, especially, at the hour of…