The Feast of St. Faustina 2022
Today we celebrate the anniversary of St.Faustina’s passing to our Father’s House. It was the day that the Secretary of Divine Mercy awaited with great hope and longing in the attitude of trusting submission to God’s will. It was her passing…

Novena to Saint Faustina 2022
On September 26 we begin the Novena to St. Faustina. For nine following days we will pray the litany to St.Faustina and meditate on the excerpts from the „Diary” introducing us to the mystery of childlike trust in God. May this time…

New members of “Faustinum”
On September 16, 10 new members were admitted to the Association of the Apostles of Divine Mercy “Faustinum” at the meeting of the Board. Among them are 5 laypeople from Poland, 1 priest and 4 laypeople from Italy.We are glad that…