We invite you to listen to the video conference given by Canon Jason Jones. He will be presenting the ‘From the Bible’ sections of the book ’The Divine Mercy in the Bible and St Faustina’s Diary’. His conference is based on the sixth chapter,…

Official website of the Association of the Apostles of Divine Mercy "Faustinum"
We invite you to listen to the video conference given by Canon Jason Jones. He will be presenting the ‘From the Bible’ sections of the book ’The Divine Mercy in the Bible and St Faustina’s Diary’. His conference is based on the sixth chapter,…
Holiness is not achieved alone, so God puts people on our path who are a gift to us on this path and for whom we are also a gift. It was no different in the lives of Sister Faustina and…
We invite you to listen to the fifth video conference of the Biblical Cycle with the following title ‘The Forgiving God’ given by sr M. Terezjana Klepacka ISMM.
We invite you to listen to the video conference given by Canon Jason Jones. He will be presenting the ‘From the Bible’ sections of the book ’The Divine Mercy in the Bible and St Faustina’s Diary’. His conference is based on the fifth chapter,…