An exceptional Sunday evening…
It is 22 February 1931. Less than five days ago Lant began. It’s getting dark. It’s time to rest. Sister Faustina is already in her cell in our Convent House in Plock. She records this moment in her Diary as…

LENT 2024 – ‘‘I desire to be transformed completely into Your mercy…”
This year during Lent, we want you to ponder on the prayer of St. Faustina in which she asks the Lord Jesus to make her eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet and heart merciful. We invite you to watch our short…

Religious vows 2024
Today, 2 February 2024, is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. On this day two novices from the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy will be taking their first profession of vows. This special day also…