“I am in the Faustinum Association because…” – testimonies from the Czech Republic


It all started on the night of February 22, 1998. At that time in our country, the “Diary” or the Message of Mercy, even the image of the Divine Mercy, was not known yet. I had a dream. I saw Jesus coming to meet me. From His heart came a great light and filled me with deep peace and quiet joy. I was immersed in His brightness. I woke up and didn’t know what that dream meant.

Time passed … One day, at the end of the school year, in June, one of my students offered me a picture of Merciful Jesus. I was speechless. It was the same Jesus I saw in my dream. I wanted to know where this picture comes from, who painted it, what is its story. My search led me to the convent of the Sisters OLM in Dvůr Králové nad Labem.

After a few years, the Diary was also translated into Czech. What was my surprise when I found out that the Lord Jesus appeared to St. Faustina on February 22. It dawned on me and that is why I joined the Faustinum Association of the Apostles of Divine Mercy and became its member. I have never doubted about my spiritual path. I am happy that I can spread the Message of Mercy and, through prayer, plead for the grace of conversion for poor sinners.


I am in the Faustinum Association because I believe that God is merciful. He gives hope to sinners and to those who have troubles in their lives and choose worldly things over God. After all, I believe they all deserve to live with God in eternity. I learned that mercy changes people by giving them a shield and protection against evil and creates a better life on earth.