Man's Cooperation with the Merciful God
Rev. Henryk Wejman
The author discusses the gift of God, which is man’s vocation to cooperate with God: the terms of this cooperation, its space, place, ways (prayer, word, suffering), means (sacraments, asceticism and spiritual practices); and also sin which hinders this cooperation, making it difficult or impossible. At the end Rev. Henryk Wejman portrays Mary as a model of human cooperation with God.
An Invitation to cooperate with God
The book An Invitation to Cooperate with God addresses subjects related to the sources, areas, and means of man’s cooperation with his Creator and Redeemer. It gives particular attention to the participation of baptized in the royal, prophetic, and sacerdotal mission of Christ, the charisms, which delineate the fields of cooperation with God, obstacles to this cooperation, and basic directions among lay people, priests, and consecrated men and women.
To be a coworker of God Himself – that is the unusual dignity which man is endowed with in the sacrament of baptism. In the sacrament of confirmation, this role is strengthened and man is more fully enabled to experience it. Awareness of this dignity makes a person’s life more beautiful and allows them to experience even very painful experience with hope, as everything viewed in this perspective – cooperation with the Divine Mercy – gains meaning, purpose, and new value.