Christmas 2021

When the fullness of time had come,
God sent forth his Son, born of woman
Gal 4:4

Dear Apostles of Divine Mercy!

On a set time in history, the Son of God came down to earth. This was a turning point in humankind’s history for it is the beginning of the end times—times in which Christ’s victory over evil is accomplished, a victory that is assured and everlasting. Thus, we can be assured that love, truth, and goodness will ultimately be victorious! Each one of us is invited to share in this victory. This is why God gifts us with time, not just time measured by hours or days (chronos), but time as moments of God’s activity (kairos), times of mercy—the measure of which is God’s mercy.

On Christmas we celebrate the Incarnation, God becoming man and entering our human history. This yearly feast reminds us that God really desires to show us His mercy. What’s more, God is as if  “prolonging the time of mercy”—as He confessed to Saint Faustina—so that each of us may recognize the time of His visitation and receive His merciful love.

Our heartfelt wishes for you is that, and for this we pray, may Mary and Joseph teach us that kind of faith that helps us discover the presence of God even in the midst of the most difficult events. May they help us experience the victory of love, truth and goodness in our lives. We wish you a most holy and blessed Christmas, full of God’s peace and love!

With the assurance that we keep your intentions in our prayers, especially during adoration of the Divine Infant,

Sr. Miriam Janiec together with
the Sisters from the Faustinum Team