Rev. Krzysztof Wons, SDS, Sr. Miriam Janiec ISMM,
Sr. M. Emanuela Gemza ISMM, Sr. M. Diana Kuczek ISMM,
Sr. Maria Faustyna Ciborowska ISMM,
“I have loved you with an everlasting love” – Words that resound from the first to the last page of Scripture. Words that also permeate every page of the Diary of St. Faustina. These are the words that God constantly pronounces in the depths of our hearts in answer to our deepest need for love. We yearn for this voice and quite often we do not hear it anymore. It is hard for us to believe in love, and even harder to accept it. Sister Faustina invites us to a wonderful adventure—that is a journey through life with the God of Mercy who desires to speak and reveal to us his eternal and unchanging love in the midst of our everyday life. He desires only that we, like his Apostle [of Mercy, St. Faustina], open ourselves to the experience of this love, believe in it and with confidence entrust ourselves to it. Indeed, in this Love we may discover our identity and mission. The name of this Love is Mercy.
MP3 CD is available from the “Faustinum” Secretariat
Love Yourself to Love Genuinely
Fr. Tadeusz Kotlewski SJ, Fr. Piotr Szydłowski, Sr. M. Alicja Zelmańska ISMM
In order to love ourselves genuinely, we must descend into ourselves and find out who we truly are, so that we may discover the Source of Love which is within us, often hidden among difficult and painful experiences that life brings. Only if we defeat the odds and do our best to explore our own heart we will learn true Love, in the form of God. Thanks to this Love we are able to love ourselves, to bring to light our importance and dignity, and to love others, which means to care for them and be responsible for their well-being. This Love allows people to render to God due worship and love Him with all their hearts.
This CD contains the recordings of the conferences given during the Days of the Apostles of Divine Mercy, which took place from 20 to 25 May 2015 in Zembrzyce.
MP3 CD is available from the “Faustinum” Secretariat