94th Anniversary of the Revelation of the Image of Merciful Jesus

In the evening when I was in my cell, I saw Jesus clothed in a white robe. One of His hands was raised in a gesture of blessing, and with the other He was touching the robe on His chest. There were two big rays, one red and the other pale, emerging from a fold in the robe on His chest. I fixed my gaze on the Lord in silence, my soul was overawed but also full of joy. After a while Jesus said to me, Make Me a picture of this image in the form that you see, with the inscription Jesus, I trust in You. I want this picture venerated first in your chapel, and in the whole world. (Diary 47)
Exactly 94 years ago, Sr Faustina saw Jesus in her cell, who told her to paint the image, now known throughout the world, with the inscription: Jesus, I trust in you.
This painting is unique because Jesus himself willed it to be painted to bring us closer to the truth of His merciful love for each of us.
I am giving people a vessel with which they are to come to the fount of mercy for graces. That vessel is the picture with the inscription ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’ (Diary 327)
On the next anniversary of the revelation of the image of Merciful Jesus, let us praise God for this special gift, and let us draw from the source of mercy graces for ourselves and others with the vessel given to us by Jesus through St Faustina.