89th Anniversary of the Revelation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

These two days, the 13th and 14th September 2024, mark the 89th anniversary of the revelation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

On this occasion, we would like to invite you to pray with us.

One of the promises attached to this prayer, is that we can obtain everything which is in accordance with God’s will.

St. Faustina wrote in her Diary:

’’Today, a great storm woke me up; the wind was howling and the rain beating down as if from a cloudburst; and all the while there were claps of thunder. I started praying that the storm should not cause any damage, and then I heard the words, “Say the Chaplet I have taught you and the tempest will cease.” Straightaway I started the dear little Chaplet, and I hadn’t even finished it when the storm suddenly stopped, and I heard the words, “When you say this prayer, you will be granted everything you ask for, provided it is in compliance with My will.” (Diary 1731)

Trusting in this promise, let us faithfully pray to our loving God for the intentions of all members, volunteers, and all those who will watch this video.